MidAtlantic recently supported a client in their effort building a multi-family housing structure and subterranean parking garage. The project included the consolidation of a dozen residential, public, and commercial properties including a former automobile repair and gasoline service station that was being remediated in the NJDEP’s Contaminated Site Remediation and Redevelopment Program (CSRRP).
Upon acquisition of the property, the client retained MidAtlantic’s Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) Sarah Dyson to complete remediation of the former service station. Ms. Dyson completed soil delineation, oversaw the removal of hydraulic lifts and a previously abandoned underground storage tank, and completed the removal and disposal of over 1,000 tons of contaminated soil. Post-excavation sampling confirmed the remedial actions were successful in eliminating residual ground water contamination, and an unrestricted Response Action Outcome is forthcoming.
The project also required that 14 feet of soil and rock be removed throughout an acre of property (approximately 40,000 tons) to build the garage. MidAtlantic conducted multiple sampling programs, completed applications, and provided historical site information to facilitate approval of the material as clean fill by several other LSRPs and over a dozen recipient facilities, including the required soil importation permits issued by various municipalities. MidAtlantic also completed post-excavation donor source compliance requirements of those municipal permits on the client’s behalf. MidAtlantic’s efforts allowed the client to remove the majority of soil within 2 weeks of breaking ground and in planned stages thereafter.

MidAtlantic, LLC – Integrity. Expertise. Ingenuity.