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MidAtlantic Receives Approval from Medford Township Planning Board for 300 Unit Project!

By July 2, 2018June 7th, 2023No Comments

MidAtlantic recently received Preliminary / Final Major Site Plan and Subdivision approval from the Medford Township Planning Board for the Autumn Park at Medford project. The project includes construction of eight (8) three story townhouse buildings consisting of 46 residential units, ten (10) three and four story apartment buildings consisting of 254 residential units, one (1) clubhouse building with a pool, patio, tot lot, dog park and other outdoor amenities.  The subdivision creates 46 fee simple lots – one for each of the 46 three-bedroom townhouses, one HOA owned lot for streets within the townhouse area and one lot for the remaining apartments area.  The apartments include a mix of 164 market rate units and 90 affordable units.  Stormwater is handled by the creation of a wet pond at the rear of the development.